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Man 58 years old of those who consult about a baby boom generation Complaint dissatisfaction
  @ Man 58 years old of those who consult about a baby boom generation Complaint dissatisfaction
It is a baby boom generation of 58 years old who faces the retirement in two years.
The family is cohabiting with the wife by mother of me who becomes the eldest son and 86 years old of 28 years by the single.
Mother also is going out also a peculiar symptom to the elderly person, and the wife is nursing these several years. When it is made hearing Gti(Complaint dissatisfaction) of the wife exhausted with nursing, it becomes gloomy.
There is especially not such a hobby because it was a live only for one's work up to now, and either when I think after it retires, I am depressing. On earth, the life of me the current becomes melancholic when might what. It is not possible to sleep until the dawn when it is awful.
After it retired, it had been thought since before that it took a rest for a while, the time of the life wanted to go back, and to do the travel of my search. However, it cannot have hope in the future when such a family is regarded. How should I do?

This can be said that the worry about the interpersonal relationship when plainly thinking.
The quality is different from the interpersonal relationship in the company work even if it is said the same interpersonal relationship.
To catch, cannot how such as the interest, the top and bottom, and the attempt to save one's own necks in the home. However, it is "Habit" said cultivating for years even if it understands and the cause, and there is uneasiness inadvertently done. It is isolated. The method recommended by me is a method 'Live twice by a life once'. Let's explain. It is worry about the interpersonal relationship that holds groping for the life that makes year of 60 years old concurrently for you. Then, because the 61st birthday is a departure to a new cycle that ends at the one cycle, it sloughs off the current company-centered person between another persons. It lives through, it gives a clear-cut attitude to the second life ..so.., and to capture it, how. It lives by the sense of values of a new interpersonal relationship. The problem that domestically and seems complex the way of life is overcome, and it becomes a way of life of which even I can consent. What is the sense of values of a new interpersonal relationship?It not is an instruction, punishment, dignity, and immediate speech and behavior "Let's do the person very so". It is not the one that tries to see the other party and to move it.
It keeps opposite to this.
, saying that "Becoming cloudy is prevented from attaching to my mind". It is speech and behavior that brought here the center.
What is speech and behavior to which becoming cloudy doesn't adhere?
For instance, let's assume you in one's twenties, there is a high ambition, and working hard. At that time, the remark to interrupt the will for myself is not done.
Speech and behavior that ruins the special feelings is not done. My desire is importantly defended.
It is the same thing.
Still, there is a wonderful mind "I want to live life honorable" you. This is called a French character. Hereafter, it is a thing of valuing it, and making it not ruin. However,. It tries to make no person Cti in abuse and the place, blame among families, and the thing said shouting it with a high hand heard, and, then, it is understood that a special, honorable mind becomes cloudy. This is stopped. And, speech and behavior that doesn't ruin honorable of my mind is borne in mind for myself. The other party doesn't allow it the make endless changes because it begs of how. It stops it.
"My honorable mind (French character) is defended every day and raised" Then, wonderful of nature and you extends domestically as a sound and it comes. While it doesn't know. It parts from your management and. It might be an appreciation to healing to mother and the wife, and be things that have been received by chance before one is aware as the reconciliation of the Totsshuutome problem and father's appearance to the son. If it is you, it is possible to do.

sato jiko


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